
Nowadays it is not very difficult to get an unprofessional service (most of the agencies look only for the profit). It is a rarity indeed to encounter excellence  service such that I got from your organization. The van we hired was a superior category with no extra cost. We got the tickets 2 days prior to the date in our hotel and the van driver was extra nice. It is indeed a pleasure to compliment you on the efficient and courteous manner he took care of all my needs. Please convey my sincere thanks to Jose and your team.

Eric Meyer, Toledo, June 2018

Mon ami et moi sommes allés voir Barcelone. Comme nous ne logions pas dans un hôtel, ils nous ont contactés pour venir à notre AirBnb et nous remettre les billets. Je sais que de nombreuses agences de voyages ne le font pas, mais elles l'ont fait et j'en suis très reconnaissante

Maxime Simon - Bosch Group division, Barcelona - Arsenal Champions

Viajamos desde colombia a Madrid y la misma noche nos recogieron en el aeropuerto. Nos facilitaron un número de celular de emergencia al que lastimosamente tuvimos que comunicarnos al no haber recibido los pases para el partido de fútbol. A los 5 minutos resolvieron el problema y nos dijeros que los pases estaban en la recepción deo hotel. Quiero agradecer a Hugo y a Sergio por dedicar su tiempo a resolver el problema y por haber sido tan educados y profesionales.

Seguro que repetiremos de nuevo pero esta vez para ver al Atlético de Madrid.


Armando, Associate Group Lider Iberia Travel Airline, La Liga Española. Madrid vs Sevilla

The hotel  was expected as well as the tickets. The full package included hotel and tickets. and they gave us a wine bottle with no extra charge. The driver spoke fluent Italian and was born in the same city as I. We even had some friends in common, isn't that fantastic?  They wait for us until we got inside of the event. The 4 seats were together in a line as it was guaranteed. Thanks to Sergio and Ticketing Emotions team for arranging our Formula One in Spain. The whole package was wonderful: flight, ticket and hotel. Grazie mille!

Carlo Esposito, Formula One Barcelona 2019